"But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."
- Jesus - Matthew 24:37
Jesus said things would be like it was in the days of Noah before He returns. What was the world like in Noah's day in comparison to our day? There are many clues from scripture that point us to the reality that history is indeed repeating itself. We find:
1. Eating and Drinking - Matthew 24:38
2. Marrying and Giving in Marriage - Matthew 24:38
3. Lack of knowledge of People as to the Times - Matthew 24:39
4. Wickedness and Evil - Genesis 6:5
5. Violence - Genesis 6:11-13
6. Corruption - Genesis 6:11-13
7. Giants - Genesis 6:4
8. Longevity of Life - Genesis 5
9. A Return to Lot's days as Well - Luke 17:26-32
These are just some of the clues we find in scripture. Are you ready for the return of Jesus Christ? You do not have to walk in fear. If you are saved, the return of Jesus Christ is an event you can look forward to, however if you are not saved, please friend, don't put it off. Jesus has made a way for you to be with Him forever in Heaven. Please click on this link, How to Go to Heaven. It will tell you what you need to know in order to be prepared for the Lord's return and eternity. Please contact us if you would like more information, or to have us come to your area.
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